Playing Dirty
So, there comes a time when you are working on a painting and no matter what you do, it just gets uglier and uglier. This point used to freak me out, but now I look at it as liberation. What I mean to say is, now is the time to just play! Get your hands dirty, see what will happen if you pour graphite powder on top of wet paint. What will happen if you don't have any molding paste so you use fiber paste instead? (hint: if you're going to use graphite powder on top of matte medium, wipe your hands cause once it's dry you'll be wearing it for a days)
And don't worry, at this point nobody has to know how bad your painting really is (unless of course your put it on your blog :)) I use the term bad loosely, because I always know that once I think my piece is beyond saving, I'm only about an hour and a few glazes away from being finished.
So, let loose, get in there and play dirty!